Baby Trump balloon will fly over London

Has it really been over a month since I was here? It’s usually many months so this is a slight improvement. I have been thinking about posting, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten. Until now.

It’s this funny balloon that has prompted a bit of activity. And why I so love the English.

The Independent newspaper image. Photographer not cited.
The Independent newspaper image. Photographer not cited.

The BBC writes this about the balloon:

Mr Trump is due to meet Theresa May at 10 Downing Street on 13 July.

Campaigners raised almost £18,000 for the helium-filled six-metre high figure, which they said reflects Mr Trump’s character as an “angry baby with a fragile ego and tiny hands”.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan gave permission for the balloon to fly.

Of course Trump supporters are “enraged”. But that’s hardly news is it?

Everyone seems to be enraged these days. Yet they wonder why their health is so bad. Relax will you? Smile. Better yet. Have a laugh.

Ta-ra for now!